Ayako Yamazaki

Kumamoto Nichinichi Shimbun's Charity Tea


It is a work when I participated in a charity. Banpeiyu Very big and attractive fruit. The yellow color of the skin is so beautiful that I feel the fluffy, white cotton-like inside when peeled. The understated light orange flesh is refreshingly delicious. The skylark that can fly high in the sky is a modest color among birds, The gradation of dark brown is beautiful, and the coat like a comb on the head is dignified. Like a small eagle. Both are related to Kumamoto prefecture. Specialty products and birds of the prefecture. Banpeiyu's flower language is "happiness."

client_name : 熊本日日新聞社

URL : 熊日チャリティー知名士色紙展

  • Skylark and Banpeiyu